Rustic Ravines made statewide news throughout West Virginia in early June 2020 by earning a $250,000 grant from the state Department of Environmental Protection’s Office of Abandoned Mine Lands. Rustic Ravines’ grant was among $27 million in awards funding trails, campgrounds and other projects on former mine sites throughout the state, according to a story in the Charleston Gazette. The funds were raised through fees on coal sales by active mine operations.
The 12 projects receiving grants through allocation in AML Economic Development funds were reviewed and approved earlier this year by a committee of staffers from the DEP, Department of Commerce, Department of Transportation and Governor’s Office. Projects must be located on or near mine sites abandoned prior to the passage of the Surface Mine Control and Reclamation Act in 1977 to qualify for the grants.
Rustic Ravines’ grant will help develop ATV trails and such off-trail amenities as additional cabins, cottages, RV campgrounds, disc golf course, miniature golf, basketball and tennis courts. Rustic Ravines is adjacent to Cabwaylingo State Forest’s ATV trail system.
Half of the grants went to projects associated with tourism and recreation, while the other half were awarded to coalfield sewer, water and housing projects.